Ronak Advertising

Vashi 2014

Hot Careers Education & Career Fair

Hot Careers - Education& Job Fair 2014 is an ideal platform to enhance your business and promote your institute on a larger scale. It highlights courses, syllabuses, add-ons in the field of education; while also building a bridge between the colleges, coaching classes and banks that provide education loans to these students. So, confirm your participation at the earliest to reserve the most premium booth space for your institute.

Hot Careers- Education & Job Fair 2014 is an education & job fair exhibition showcasing a mix of brilliant young minds, brewing talents and Mumbai’s finest educational Institutes / Non-teaching Institutes for IT, Management, Arts, Commerce, Fashion Designing, Event Management, Interior Designing and more. With brand new career avenues, it offers innovative options and some of the best deals.

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enaville 10010, USA

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